Hikari Massivore Delite

Hikari Massivore Delite

  • ₱950.00
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Massivore Delite®

A scientifically blended nutrient mix specifically for larger carnivorous fish who tend to avoid feeding from the top of the aquarium. This highly flavorful diet offers excellent growth and desirable form while improving coloration too!

  • A Unique Pellet Monster Fish Love
  • Blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids all perfectly balanced to offer a daily diet most monster carnivores love
  • Free of unwanted parasites and bacteria which are common hitchhikers with most live foods
  • Higher levels of carotenoids promote the development of brilliant colors not common in carnivorous fish kept indoors without natural sunlight
  • Key ingredients in this rapidly sinking pellet allow us to produce a diet that helps most monster fish develop their true form over time
  • A Pellet Designed With A Purpose
  • Absorbs water rapidly taking on a texture of a live fish
  • A highly flavorful nutrient mix
  • Contains stabilized vitamin C to support immune system health
  • Each pellet is the nutritional equivalent of 1.8 live goldfish
  • Ideal for monster carnivores especially catfish, sharks, polypterus (bichirs), eel, and carnivorous plecostomus